Back with more noise. First off is a killer song from the Swedish band
Driller Killer. The video is exactly what you would imagine a Driller killer video would be. Explosions, studs, war footage and mosh pits. Awesome!
Next up I have a great video from
Los Monjo! They play infectious punk! The way it should be. They are from Mexico and have toured Europe but have not been able to come to the USA due to stupid visa bullshit. Check em out!
This next video is from another Swedish band but a more recent one. They are called
Allvaret and play a catchy, melodic style of punk without being full on 'pop-punk'. I really dig their Lp that came out a couple years ago. If you like the video check it out!
This last video is a live video shot for a Austin radio station KVRX. The band is called Institute (no it is not that Institute with ex members of antischism, this is a new one). I really don't know much about this band but the whole set is really, really good. The first song drew me in and I am now seeking out anything by this band! Anyway check out the video.