Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Your opinion does not qualify as evidence

First up is a pro shot, live video of the Finnish band Paa Kii. I am not sure if they are still active but in 2013 they put out an amazing Lp that is really catchy punk and reminds me of that old bay area/Lookout records sound. 
DISCLOSE is THE band when it comes to noise punk from Japan. They toured the west coast in 2001 and someone had the bright idea to make a DVD out of it. This is the entire DVD and the shows range from great quality to just OK but its Disclose so it doesn't fucking matter. It is awesome that someone uploaded the entire video for all to enjoy.
Putas Mierdas are group of punk rock kids hailing from Mexico. Much like Los Monjo they stick to the basic punk sound but they do it very well and are absolutely worth checking out.
I really don't think I need to say anything about this band but I should mention that this clip is from a documentary about Pacific North West music scene. It is mostly good and worth checking out. Its called Northwest Passage. The Wipers
Eyehategod have been doing their thing for many, many years now. Recently they have been on the road constantly. They have one of the heaviest sounds around and a style that is all their own. This is a pro shot video of them playing life for their 25th anniversary.

1 comment:

  1. EHG grimey as fuck....DISCLOSE very raw...always dug that about them
